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Want to travel and explore this summer, but don't know where to go? Check out

these top five summer vacation destinations in the US for inspiration.

Who doesn’t love summer vacations, with warm sunshine and the scent of flowers

lingering in the wind? I enjoy summer vacations because they’re the perfect ways to

leave work behind and allow your mind and body to rest and relax. If you’re

searching for a lovely place for this year’s vacation, check out the top five summer

vacation destinations in the US.


The Grand Canyon

I know Arizona can have some insanely hot weather, but the striking views from the

Grand Canyon make the trip worth it. This location is busy in the summer, but you

can visit the North Rim if you want to avoid the crowds. If you still want to visit the

South Rim, you can ride a bike along the trails and through the busy areas with



Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park is one of the most popular national parks in the US, and

it’s easy to see why. With gorgeous mountains, exciting geysers, and beautiful

greenery, Yellowstone is a fun destination for yourself or the whole family. I like to

avoid crowds, and since summer is such a popular time to visit, I try to plan and

prepare everything for my trips here a couple of months in advance.

*image from pinterest*


San Diego, California

I love relaxing on the beach and feeling the cool ocean breeze in the summer. San

Diego has stunning beaches, unique shops, and warm weather, so it’s a wonderful

destination for a summer vacation. Additionally, San Diego is known for all kinds of

delicious food, good music, and a relaxed atmosphere.

*image from pinterest of Morning Glory*


Glacier National Park

If you plan to swing by Montana on your trip, you need to visit Glacier National Park.

Towering mountain ranges, waterfalls, lovely forests, and lakes make this park a

wonderful place to surround yourself with nature. I’m a bit of an outdoor junkie, so I

always search for physical activities to do. During your stay, you can go hiking, kayaking, canoeing, and driving on the park trails to find the best scenic views. If you

decide to participate in these activities, make sure you know how to prepare for an

adventurous vacation before you go.

*image from CNN*


Grand County, Colorado

The last of our top five summer vacation destinations in the US is Grand County,

Colorado. This destination is near Rocky Mountain National Park, so you can

experience the wildlife and the beauty of the scenery. I’m not a fan of the cold, so I

go to Colorado in the summer, before the snow and freezing gusts of wind arrive.

*image from this site*


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